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For tourism services Go to Score

… what are you doing for a better world?

In the tourism sector, there are more and more sustainability labels - and that's a good thing. In that case the 'For a Better World Score' can be used as an additional label.

What is the added value? The 'For a Better World Score' costs considerably less because there is no certification process. Instead, a click on the logo - e.g. on the website of the tourism offer or by QR code - leads directly to the steps that this takes.

A significant advantage is also that the guests hopefully already know this logo, as they themselves can also take many of these steps in private or as a guest on site. Guests are looking for the For-a-Better-World logo.

You can proudly use the logo for advertising purposes (for customers and employees) and make others transparent with a link what you are already doing.

consideo logo